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About Us

Abba's Army - A Force for Good

Established 2019

Our mission is simple: to raise as much money as possible and donate it to our veterans in need. We are a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Our mission is only possible because of volunteers and kind-hearted people. We strive to help our veterans, and this is our inspiration:

Our mother, Gwendolyn Iadevaia, AKA “Wendy,” AKA "Abba," to all her grandchildren and great-grandchildren, had a secret. It wasn't a huge secret, but it was a secret, nonetheless. Her secret was how much money she donated to the Disabled Veterans Association each year. We only learned how much she donated after her passing, on Veteran's Day 2019. She was not wealthy, in fact, she lived on a fixed income for many, many years, but if she had $10, she would send $5 to the veterans.

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Abba was our family’s center, all things started with her. She was a selfless and giving woman who raised 5 children, 3 stepchildren, and many grandchildren.

Abba's house was always our "home base". Despite its small size, the whole family would crowd into the tiny kitchen and living room and break out decks of cards and scrabble and raid her cupboards for snacks and her homemade Kaluha. Abba's house was a safe zone, anyone and everyone was welcome to drop by unannounced, day or night, in crisis or not, to help with chores, to bring her a box of Franzia or just because you were in the neighborhood.

After she passed, we held on to her house. We found ourselves being called back to our “home base” for our own various reasons. Sometimes planned, sometimes not, however most times you would coincidently find you were not the only one there, especially on that first holiday, and of course that first birthday without her.
After the house eventually sold, we still felt a calling to gather around for her on her birthday, we considered it a family holiday. So, what started as a backyard cookout with an Elvis cake, tears and laughter evolved into something more. We knew how many lives she had touched and wanted to find a way to continue her legacy. Why not try to raise some money to donate to the causes she held so close to her heart?

Our next backyard cookout expanded beyond immediate family, and we brought some raffle prizes to add some spice to the occasion as an idea began to take form. That year we had fun, we laughed more than we cried, we put tickets in for raffle baskets and ate pulled pork sandwiches, and at the end of the day when our curiosity got the best of us, we totaled up the contributions from our family and close friends and found we had generated about $6,000.


We were moved by the generosity and donated it to Tunnels to Towers.

It became clear that we were on to something here. We were going to keep alive her donations to the veterans and make her birthday celebration, we were going to make the name Abba mean something to every person we possibly could.

The next year, more people were invited, we explored the ideas of sponsorships and had some wonderful local businesses that supported our cause and donated gift baskets and food and T-Shirts. All complete with an Elvis cake to top it off. Our total that year, $12,000. The only thought was, WE CAN DO THIS! We can make something real here and make a difference.

Thus in 2022 - Abba's Army was officially 501C.

For being a great mother, grandmother, friend, and overall, an inspiration to us all, we would like to keep her generosity alive. This is how Abbas' Army was born. She was our Abba: WE are her Army.


Our motto, "A Force for Good," is indicative to how we were raised. We are a Force, and we will do all the good we can do in Abba's name. This is why any and all donations are greatly appreciated. We thank you; our veterans thank you, and most of all Wendy thanks you! Please help us keep her memory alive for such a great cause.

Abba's Army

The Army

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